22 / 10 / 202406:38:44 ( GMT+0300 )

Briefly about main

   Dear Internet users, road transport supporters! We are glad to welcome you in the status of visitors to our site. In order to obtain the maximum awareness of vehicles we offer to use the services of our website. Your attention is provided with detailed information about the location of vehicles that interested you, as well as their configuration, according to your wishes and needs.
   In order to determine which vehicles aren't busy closest to your location and will be able to arrive to you within 10-20 minutes, and in the winter period 10-30 minutes - use the variants described below.

Variant one - search by photo-landmark points

1) >>> go to the “Searching for free auto” page;
2) >>> choose a category of photo-landmark point( for example, '' hotels, motels, hostels '' ), or a district with photo-landmark points;
3) >>> make a click on photo-landmark point( for example, hot. "Lviv" );
4) >>> in the list of drivers, who will be free in your range and are ready to fulfill your order, select a driver and click on the contact phone number icon to open it;
5) >>> call and arrange a trip.

Variant two - search by characteristics

1) >>> go to the page "Catalogue ot the transport";
2) >>> enter the required data and click the "Search" button;
3) >>> repeat the steps described in paragraphs 4, 5 of the previous version.

Drivers statuses

1. Free( green background of the photo of the driver ) - the driver is currently free and is located near the selected landmark. If the location is not specified, you will have to clarify it, since such a vehicle can be focused on special orders( for example, garbage collection, funeral services, etc. ).
2. Will be free( light - blue background of the driver's photo ) - at the moment the driver is busy, but must free himself before the time indicated under the photo.
3. Busy( red background of the driver's photo ) - at the moment the driver is completing the order of another client.
4. Does not work( gray background of the driver's photo ) - at the moment the driver is not working, but can accept a pre-order transfer, meeting at the airport, train stations, going out of town or simply ordering a car in advance...

Tariffs, calculations

   Dear customers of transport, before the start of the trip, make sure that the tariffs indicated in the driver's meter correspond to the tariffs indicated on the page next to his photo. If you need a check, the driver is obliged( if available ) to issue a check.Ask the driver for a check form when ordering. If tariffs are not specified, the driver works on a contractual payment. At the driver with the specified tariffs, starting from the minimum price of travel and further, as a rule, there will be a meter available. According to the rules, each driver is obliged to write out to the client a check on which the date, time, fare and personal number of the driver must be indicated. If he did not do this, please inform us by phone( from 10.00 to 18.00 ) or by email indicated at the bottom of the page. Each check has its own serial number. Subsequently on this number by random electronic selection, possible will be carry out draws of incentive prizes. Under the driver’s tariffs, it is possible to indicate the name of the Bank that serves it - the card number on which you can pay for the service by phone applications( Privat24, GooglePay, etc. ). When making payments to a payment card, the client is obliged to pay the price of the minimum fare when boarding, and then pay extra for the final cost of the service. If the driver did not fulfill your order for certain reasons - he is obliged to return your money to you.
   The following mobile operators are working in Ukraine: VODAFONE, KYIVSTAR, LIFECELL ... On the driver's page, the operators indicated by logos that this driver uses. You can choose the operator most convenient for you.

Economy class rates

   Waiting( downtime ) cannot be considered 3 minutes from the time of the call of the driver, who informed the customer, that he had arrived at the address. Baggage is not considered: a woman’s handbag or purse, a small travel bag, or any other cargo that can be transported without problems at the customer’s hands.
   Departure to the settlement is considered: a taxi call outside the settlement( crossing of the border with the established sign 5.46 - "The end of the settlement" ). A trip from the city to the village and back is not considered a departure.
   Additional services are not included in the economy class package and will approximately fluctuate within the following limits:
   1). Courier services - +10uah.
   2). Air conditioning( climate control ) - +15uah.
   3). Fuel delivery - +30uah.
   4). "Charging" from the battery - +80uah.
   5). Towing - 100uah. +10uah. for 1km. driving directions.
   6). Sober driver - 200uah.( or by agreement ).
   7). Smoking in the cabin - +20uah.
   8). Carriage home pets - +20uah.
   9). Baby car seat - +10uah.
   10). The presence of WIFI - +10uah.
   11). Showing the city to tourists - negotiable price.
   12). Celebrations( wedding ) - negotiable price.
   13). Funeral transportation services - negotiable price.
   14). Transportation of bed patients - negotiable price.
   15). Car for a day( outing ) - negotiable price.
   16). Corporate transportation - negotiated price or over the counter.
   17). Availability of movers - negotiable price.
   18). Night rate - +10uah., Hours of the tariff - ( 23:30 - 5:30 ).
   19). Rush hour - +10uah., Tariff hours - ( 7:30 - 9:30, 17:30 - 19:30 ).
   20). Rain( Snow ) - +10uah.( Turns on when it rains or snows ).
   Rates may vary depending on the general situation( for example, during the holiday season ), which the driver must inform in advance.

Caution in case of refusal

   Telephone numbers of customers who, due to certain circumstances, having ordered a transport, did not meet the driver and did not warn in advance about the refusal, and do not get in touch in the future, will be automatically entered into the "black list". In case of the following orders from this number, the call will not be serviced. You can get information about the blacklisted phone number by calling( from 10.00 to 18.00 ) at the bottom of the page.
   Calls from phones with an unspecified number (“unknown”) can be rejected by the driver at will, because they cannot call back such a client.
   Orders coming from the suburbs can also be carried out by the decision of the driver. In order to insure themselves against the “free run”, the driver may ask the client to transfer a certain amount (5-10 UAH.) To his mobile phone number, bank card, as a kind of guarantee.

Orders through translators

   Dear customers, the pages of our site automatically select drivers who speak the chosen language( the language is selected in the upper right corner ) or drivers who collaborate with the appropriate translators who will help agree on the meeting place, route, cost of the trip, and so on ... Should note that you will have to remember the number of the selected driver and report it to the translator. If an interpreter is needed when traveling, the order you want to make must be planned in advance( about an hour before the trip ). Translation services are paid by the client.
   In case of an insufficient level of proficiency in the language of drivers or translators, as a result of which you were unable to find mutual understanding, please inform us about such.

On a note

   Dear users! Please draw your attention to some points that may arise in the process of vehicle orders. For example, the following may happen: the moment the customer dials the number of the driver of the chosen vehicle, the phone rings, a certain time passes. At this point, the client may approach the driver, and the driver will take the order from him faster. Similarly, an order can come in "online" - the mode in which the driver will begin to fulfill in this time interval, being already busy when the phone is dialed. The driver did not have time to submit information that he is busy, so he will be forced to reject your order. In the situation model mentioned above, we ask you to treat such cases with understanding and find another driver on your view.
   During auto calls to certain orients( stadiums, markets, cemeteries, parks, etc. ), which have several entrances and exits, we ask you to clearly indicate which of them is as close as possible to you in order to avoid unwanted confusion.
   The same applies to services that require additional equipment. The driver is not obliged to constantly carry with him all the equipment of the vehicle( for example, a trailer ), so before making an order, make sure that the additional equipment corresponds to the one you were looking for.
   The following may happen too: the driver ordered by the client is delayed on the way to him due to unforeseen circumstances( accidents, breakdowns, prolonged congestion, etc. ). Losting precious time. The driver unwittingly forced to refuse this order, calling you, because it is not able to fulfill it in time. Therefore, a counter request to customers: in the event of a driver’s refusal, treat the situation with understanding and call another, who at this time will be as close as possible and accessible to you.


   This site is an information and advertising resource, not a taxi service, so all trips, the performance of certain types of work and services by drivers, are carried out exclusively by agreement. Please also pay attention to the fact that when ordering a auto there may be certain risks, which are described in the "On a note" section.
   Thank you in advance for using our services - we are making every effort to justify Your trust.
   All comments on the work of the site, the refusal of drivers to go to order( drivers of a passenger auto with the specified tariffs ), system of services, please send certain suggestions and advice by email at the bottom of the page. We will be grateful for the information provided, which will help us better provide you our services. Sincerely, team of our company!